Saturday, August 18, 2007

Make Me a Channel of Your Peace

Today was a glorious day in every way: unseasonably dry and cool for a New Jersey August day, and spent with loved ones that we consider family.

Today we baptized Mary Jeanne Dougherty. (And admittedly I'm using the collective "we" in this instance as Dominick and I missed the majority of the ceremony thanks to a police officer who reminded us by way of a ticket that we need to get a hands-free set asap.)
But we got there just in time to see the important stuff and take some photos!

MJ was a perfect lady through the whole day and really brought a sense of joy and renewal to everyone's hearts. James and Anne wrote a beautiful letter to their daughter, as they have their two sons before her, explaining what this day is all about and what it means to be a part of a Catholic family. James spoke of what it means to live your life through your faith, especially during the times of uncertainty and grief. The purity of his message was echoed in the eager faces of young Seamus and Finn, and the inquisitive eyes of Connor and MJ. In this world, there is not a more perfect example of faith, love, and hope than a child - and for today at least, it made everything just a little bit better.

We also celebrated Barbara's 60th birthday. I've written about Barbara before...about what a wonderful part of my life she has been and what fond memories I have of her. Barbara is one of those strong women who were a fixture in my upbringing. Not that we saw one another very often (it is never often enough though, is it?) - but the stories, lessons, laughs and memories sustained us to the next time and seemed to be ever-present. When I hear a "Barbara" or a "Barbara and Peggy" story told, there is always such a familiarity that I have to think "Hmmmm...was I there for that one? had I even been born yet? or have I just heard this before".

There are wonderful memories of parties and the country and visits during the year of wedding planning. In fact, the only "wedding" dream that I had during our engagement was one where Barbara, Pat Thoms-Cappello, my mom and I were dancing and laughing. That dream came true, as did so many others that night...
But in the past few months, all of the superficialities of life melted away, if even for a moment, and the bare bones of what really matter were so apparent. I have never been more grateful or more aware of the wonderful gift of Barbara and how very lucky we all are to have her.

So today was so much a celebration of life, and we are thankful to have been a part of it! With that said, here are some shots of the day. I had some camera troubles, so be kind and just try to get the idea of what was going on. I assure you it was a blast!

All of the bloggers at the same party! Mental note: compulsively check blogs for photos and updates.
May He Hold You in the Palm of His Hand.....


Andie Dougherty said...

Courtney, your words are so touching, as always, and it was so great to see you and Dominick this weekend.

Yeah Bloggers - great picture!

jdoughe3 said...

Thanks for the lovely message - it was great to see you but all too brief. Hope to be able to spend some more time together in the future! Lots of love!
Anne et al