Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Hot Fun in the Summertime

We spent the 4th of July up at the lake house and out on Mom and Dad Hogan's pontoon boat.
Talk about Paradise! Does it get any better than this folks?
Our family came up and took part in the festivities, as did our good friends James and Kat. Here are the photos that we are allowed to show the public:

Little Miss Megan celebrating her right to bare arms...
I couldn't resist, I do love a good pun!
The SS Maggie Moo and Captain John Sparrow

This picture is just all about a pitcher of Pina Coladas and a 99 degree day - it's a beautiful thing.

Grandma and Grandpa Trebour entertaining - let me tell you, they could take this act on the road!

Family + Friends + Faithful Dog + Day on the Water...
Sometimes the love and support that we are surrounded by is truly overwhelming. When I think over the events of the past year it touches my heart - we are so truly blessed. We may not feel the impact on a day-to-day basis when the clothes in the hamper outnumber those in your drawers and you feel inclined to wear a hazmat suit to clean out the refrigerator...
but then I reflect back on moments like these: so fleeting, so seemingly ordinary...
and I realize that THIS is our life. And I smile, because I love it.

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