Friday, January 19, 2007

And The Sky Is A Hazy Shade of Winter...

Somerset, NJ
1/19/2007, 10:57 EST
24 degrees Farenheit

Winter has officially set in and I must say I've never welcomed it with more open arms. Aside from the annoyance of not being able to take full advantage of my wool sweaters and thermals...the warm weather was actually putting me in a foul mood. I am a firm believer in the health and balance of 4 distinct seasons. Now I know that those of you reading from L.A. and Florida (and even some in the Northeast) have decided that I'm mad and are scrolling down to see if there are any more photos....but I truly enjoy the cycle of life that Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer proudly display for us. And somehow, when I come to a crossroads, or when the bump in the road turns into a sinkhole of sorts...I find such comfort in knowing that the next season will bring dramatic growth and change. Even if that "change" is our having to wake up earlier to shovel and clean our cars off.

The fall, but December in particular, was a difficult time of challenges and disappointments - and the lingering 60/70 degree weather stretched the time like taffy into one long monotonous month. I will remember it as Sepocdenober 2006. The beginning of 2007 was also not the herald of changes that I had hoped for. But then, a beautiful purple sky set in and all was still. And the next day, without warning, it came. Flake by flake...just enough to make the city sidewalks look like a Selsun Blue commercial...and some of it was kind enough to stick around until morning.

So this morning, in the spirit of the season, I dusted off my snowboots and paired them proudly with a skirt and sweater set. Yes, that's right, I used 1 inch of snow (and Rutgers' poor shoveling job) as an excuse to wear my Nanook of the North boots! As it turns out, it was exactly what I needed to reinvigorate my spirit. My pedal celebration was just enough to remind me that in no time at all, the troubles of today will melt into yesterday's earth and we will watch our tomorrow bloom.

And in light of that Scarlet O'Hara moment, I spent some time playing with our puppy in this, his first snowfall...

Friday, January 05, 2007

Good Tidings We Bring to You and Your Kin

All holidays, but New Year especially, lend themselved to a period of contemplation for many people. For me, this year was an especially peaceful season of reflection and appreciation. Unexpected circumstances led us to celebrate the New Year rather quietly, but also gave us the opportunity to reflect on the many blessings that the past year has afforded our family and loved ones. They are too numerous to count, and enough to bring tears to my eyes.
This year, I was especially caught in those fleeting moments - too fast and seemingly ordinary to capture on film or comment on - those moments of love, of fear, of sadness, of triumph, of confusion and certainty...the beautifully fragile shards of memory that coalesce to paint the portrait of your life. Moments like laying on the couch watching late night TV, more entertained by our commentary than the actual program; arguing when Dominick doesn't know when to shut his commentary off (I take Project Runway very seriously); laughing over a beer with a treasured friend; crying over a glass of wine for a friend lost; dinners shared with family and friends, but never nearly enough time spent with either.
This year has been a beautiful journey for us as individuals and as a couple creating our own family (meaning the two of us and announcements to be made anytime soon!).
Our first home, old friends, 8 states, 3 countries, 21,000 flier miles, and 1 RU bowl win later...I think we are ready to move forward into a new year of exciting adventures.
Thanks 2006, you were lots of fun...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

May Your Days Be Merry and Bright...

File this under "Better Late Than Never" - though Christmas isn't officially over until the 6th, so I'm still in under the deadline! You have all made this year and Christmas season so special. Even if we live in different states and countries...your emails, blogs, photos, phone calls and announcements enrich our lives and bring us closer together. We remember you in our thoughts and prayers all year long, but especially at Christmastime.

Christmas Eve was spent with my parents and MaryKatherine. It was filled with mass, prayers, hugs and kisses, overly generous presents, wonderful food, and a late night drive home...our recipe for the absolute PERFECT Christmas Eve! I cannot remember a Christmas morning when my belly didn't still hurt from the laughter the evening before. If there is a liturgical season that the Hogans have cornered - it is Advent! Joy, spirituality, anticipation, faith, excitement, celebration of our I recall my childhood, it seems that Advent was celebrated all year long!

Christmas Day was very quiet this year, which was just what the doctor ordered! Most of the day was spent in our new home. We met my parents, aunt and uncle for an early dinner, then stopped by the O'Connor Household for dessert. It was a day of peace and blessings...I hope that your Christmas brought much of the same.

Tugger "helping" to open our stockings

Christmas call to our Stanzione family in Florida

Tug munching on his Christmas swizzle stick

A quick post-present nap before getting ready

Mommy and Daddy Hogan at Christmas dinner

Daddy, Uncle Burt and Dom

MK, Aunt Betsy, Aunt Maureen, Mommy

MK laughing - I love this shot because it is as we truly see her - my sister is the best giggle buddy (and sister) that a girl could ask for

Dominick and I capturing ourselved AND my fancy new camera (present from my hubby) at the O'Connors

Tree-side chat


And May All Your Christmases Be White....Love, Courtney & Dominick