Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Flames of Freedom Fill the Air

Summer's steamy veil now hangs over New Brunswick, New Jersey and the entire Eastern Seaboard with a persistence that makes it easy to forget its impermanence.
On my way home the other day I caught this amusing scene of Rutgers students cooling off on the banks of the Raritan and wanted to share it; you'll forgive the quality since I was traveling over Landing Lane Bridge whilst taking the photo.
We had a different plan for beating the heat: the Kendall Park Fire Company's Wet Down.
Uncle Billy and Cousin Billy (or Orchard Sr. and Jr.) are members of the firehouse and invited us to the day's festivities. We were only at the picnic for an hour and a half when an armaggedon-like storm came upon us. I truly can't remember the last time that I was so wet! You couldn't breathe without getting water in your nose or down your throat. We all piled in the car and giggled our way through it. A quick run home and change of clothes later, we were ready for the "after party" at the firehouse.
Dom, Billy and Robert...have to love those adorable Wright genes!
Billy has been doing an internship with Dominick and is an incredibly talented Landscape Architecture student. It's lovely to see the trajectory of relationships in life; how as obligation ebbs, associations of convenience or kinship can develop into meaningful friendships.
We are so blessed to have these friendships with our families...
Although there isn't photo proof - Aunt Alice, Laura and I also had a great time!
I have no idea who this guy is, but it made sense at the time...the food was phenomenal, hence the line that wrapped back past me.

We were really delighted to get to share in this other part of the Billys' lives.
Their heroism and bravery will always be inspiring, appreciated and honored.

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