Sunday, October 22, 2006

Autumn in the New House

It's officially autumn at the Hogan-Stanzione household and all is well. We are having a great time making the home our own, and are feeling especially blessed now that our heat it on after two visits from the gas company!
We've had a few wonderfully crisp enjoyable days to play outside and here are some shots of our favorite four-legged gal.
No pictures of us due to Ginger's tragic lack of opposable thumbs...
Ginger giving her best "So Busted" face after playing in the pond
Confused as to why she is the subject of yet another amateur photo shoot

Ready for her close-up

We had a visit from our friends Devyn and Kristen. Ginger especially loves Devyn for how generous she is with her goldfish - the favorite snack of one year olds and doggies everywhere!

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