MaryKatherine has officially landed in Spain and is getting acquainted with her roommate Courtney (who is affectionately known as "other Courtney" in our house for clarity's sake). She is doing great, but is tired and resting up for her interview tomorrow.
We miss her terribly already - that contagious laugh and smile - but we wouldn't want her to be anywhere else but living this dream.
On Saturday, we had a few of her closest friends over and surprised her with a Tapas Bon Voyage party. I wish I took more pictures, but we were all having so much fun that I forgot....and MAYBE the sangria had something to do with it! Here are a few shots:
We miss her terribly already - that contagious laugh and smile - but we wouldn't want her to be anywhere else but living this dream.
On Saturday, we had a few of her closest friends over and surprised her with a Tapas Bon Voyage party. I wish I took more pictures, but we were all having so much fun that I forgot....and MAYBE the sangria had something to do with it! Here are a few shots:
MK and a sleeping Nicolina in matching outfits
I wish I had photos of Michaela and her "Aunt Kay" - but she spent much of the evening with a different companion:
MK's last evening home was spent doing her two favorite things: shopping and eating French food!
We even special ordered a little snow storm for her, just in case she'll miss it!
We will keep you posted on her latest adventures as best we can!