Monday, February 05, 2007

Baby It's Cold Outside

Ginger has been staying with us this week, and Tugger is having the time of his life. Notice all of the indoor photos due to the recent cold snap. Meanwhile, Dom and I are home with the flu and exhausted. Ginger is patient and kind...Tug is well intentioned and tireless...he looks at her with eyes of adoration and copies her every move. Ginger sniffs, Tug sniffs, Ginger takes a drink, he's one slurp behind her.
Here are some photos that tell their love story better than I can:
It begins with Tug thrashing around in front of Ginger, hoping for her to respond in kind.

Then he mounts her about the head as a lion would approach a gazelle. Notice the complete and utter disregard of the difference in size and power.

Tug then trashes about whilst clinging to her noggin

After a very fierce warning growl, Tug thought he found the perfect hiding spot.

Then he decides to be "chill" like his hero, and watch TV. Of course he HAS to be touching her and CAN'T see over her, so he lays on top of her.

This ultimately leads to Ginger gently approaching me with this face which clearly says "When the hell are you going to do something about this?"

She then gives up and seeks refuge upstairs for a much overdue nap.

Tug's not done playing, so he makes mischief to try to get her attention.

But it always ends the same way...a shared bed and long winter's nap...for all four of us!

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