Monday, February 05, 2007

I Wish I Had a River

Winter doldrums have set in again. I'm sure it is because I'm sick...and Dom's sick...but things here have been very quiet.

There's been a little bit of this...

And all kinds of that...

And somewhere in the middle it snowed...

And Tugger developed a nasty drug habit...oops, nope, still snow...

and then we noticed robins across the street, invading our neighbor's yard...

And that was picturesque for a few hours...but then it seemed like they were casing our house...and the situation transitioned into creepy.

And sure enough, we awoke this morning to this in our holly tree:

And by noon, the tree was bare and there was a Henry VIII style berry buffet for all Robins in the NY metro area happening on our lawn.

Luckily, I took these yesterday

And when I turned around, the sun was doing pretty things on the piano, so I got that too!

So everything at the Hogan-Stanzione household is good. We've settled in for a long winter's nap and are fighting the same flu that the entire Eastern seaboard has contracted. Our warmest wishes to you and your families and we'll touch base again soon!


Katie said...

I love your photo montage! You really have a knack for this, Courtney! Thanks for keeping me posted on the happenings of your life--they are a great deal more exciting than mine!

Hope to see you soon,

Anonymous said...

your husband is hot court. i never took the time to actually look at him, i've always thought "oh future family" so i never wanted to look at him like that. that is to say i still don't look at him like that... you get what i'm saying. :) but i have to say my oh my ;)