Thursday, September 20, 2007

RU Choppin?

So we've been a little busy lately! Autumn is upon us and we welcome it with open arms. October and November have always been months of wonderful change for us: first date, engagement, marriage, promotions and new homes. We hope this autumn brings smaller changes, but plenty of joy.

But what is most exciting for us this year is that fall heralds the REAL beginning of football season. As you can imagine, most of our extra-curricular activities in the past few weeks have required the wearing of scarlet - and with 8 homegames, I suspect much of the same through November.

The Scarlet Knight of the foam variety.

Dommy enjoying pre-game festivities

Dom holding my beer so that I could document my attendance.

HEY! Look who we found in the stadium! We love Coley for SO many reasons, but mostly because he is the most polite houseguest ever and never once complained that we made him sleep on a youth bed (Ok, so maybe I just saw the price and bought the bed and didn't read all the way through the description....maybe).

Dom eyeing up the band....let's just say they haven't quite caught up to the team yet. We've got an "R" formation - this year we're working on recruiting for the "U"

This is what hope looks like.

Those of us who were blessed to be at the Louisville game will never look at this the same way again. The stadium at sunset is one of my favorite places on this earth. When those lights come up and the purple clouds stir into the inky night sky....magic happens.

So I am really excited to enjoy this seasons as a "real fan" for the first time in YEARS. In working at the President's Box, of course I enjoyed the games and chatting with donors, but I was "professional Courtney" (uncomfortable pumps and powersuit sold separately). But to be in the STANDS, and be able to SCREAM....that is what football is all about to me. That view is what brings me back to my days in the old stadium, my dad bringing us hot chocolate while we waited patiently through yet ANOTHER losing game to watch MK in the halftime show. It is what brings tears to my eyes in excitement and pride as I look around at faces I don't know, and those I do. Strangers, my students, my colleagues, my fellow alums who share in these moments. I love watching the children tense up after we score, waiting for the cannon - and I remember games...almost entire seasons...when the cannon lay silent. That is where the magic lies for me.


When we were invited up to a box - as GUESTS - with our dear friends, who could resist? And even if I could, my husband's excitement to be in a "private box" and relief to find padded seating was convincing enough. I am many things...but jaded and spoiled I will never be.

And she sure does look lovely from up there.

Dom rockin it VIP style

Dom and Coley: men of is has it should be.


Katie said...

Yeah! You're back! Thanks for another fun insight into your world. You make me want to go to a football game myself!

Love, Katie

Annie said...

Hey - I just realized that this post title isn't the name of a song... What's up with that?

I miss you!