Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Tugger Update

Tugger, Tug, Sir Tuggins, Tugaboodle, Tug-You-Little-INSERTEXPLETIVEHERE...he has come to be known by many names.
Tugger has assimilated beautifully into our family - even Ginger has decided that he is not so scary, though he does try her seemingly endless patience!
It's difficult to remember a time when we didn't have him, though it was only a month ago that we were free to come and go as we pleased. Funny how quickly we give up our freedom for our furry little friends - I suspect we will take to parenting with the same gusto when the time comes.
Tug has begun cutting his teeth, which leads to evenings of frustration for all of us - but the little guy hasn't detroyed a thing, save for a few pairs of pantyhose that were really asking for it. He has almost completely embraced the idea of NOT using our oriental rug as his personal latrine; he has mastered the stairs which used to make him howl with fear; he has begun to learn his manners such as "sit" and "off"; he has discovered the art of burying and rediscovering his bones; and he is developing into quite a nice young pup!

Here are a few photos:

The view that I wake up to each morning.

When the first few teeth were breaking through.

With the ever-present Booda Bear from Aunt Margaret - this toy goes outside, inside, to bed, to Grandma and Grandpa's...

There aren't nearly enough of these moments. Photos like these tell me that we made the right decision and that Tug loves his new home.

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