Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Faithful Friends Who Are Dear To Us, Gather Near To Us Once More
Scarlet Bells, Scarlet Bells...It's Christmas Time in New Brunswick
Christmas in our new home.
We've had a hectic but positive December. On the 11th we celebrated Dominick's 26th birthday with a small party at our home, and his parents surprised him by flying up from Florida! It was a wonderful weekend full of family and friends. Unfortunately, we temporarily misplaced our battery charger, so I only have the photo below! But the Stanziones took pictures and I'll be sure to post some of them.
In the meantime, I was expecting to work the Texas Bowl, which would require me to fly out on the 26th. Then a few days later I was told that they had enough staff - then they didn't - but now I am officially (if not cordially) uninvited! I'm sure Houston will be alot of fun - and I am the biggest RU fan around - but I'd just as soon spend the holidays with my family and root the team on from a local bar!
We have 2 Christmas parties left to attend, many presents to wrap, plans to make, and work projects to complete. But who doesn't?
We are blessed and happy, and really, isn't that all that matters?
Tugger Update
Tugger has assimilated beautifully into our family - even Ginger has decided that he is not so scary, though he does try her seemingly endless patience!
It's difficult to remember a time when we didn't have him, though it was only a month ago that we were free to come and go as we pleased. Funny how quickly we give up our freedom for our furry little friends - I suspect we will take to parenting with the same gusto when the time comes.
Tug has begun cutting his teeth, which leads to evenings of frustration for all of us - but the little guy hasn't detroyed a thing, save for a few pairs of pantyhose that were really asking for it. He has almost completely embraced the idea of NOT using our oriental rug as his personal latrine; he has mastered the stairs which used to make him howl with fear; he has begun to learn his manners such as "sit" and "off"; he has discovered the art of burying and rediscovering his bones; and he is developing into quite a nice young pup!
Here are a few photos:
The view that I wake up to each morning.
When the first few teeth were breaking through.
With the ever-present Booda Bear from Aunt Margaret - this toy goes outside, inside, to bed, to Grandma and Grandpa's...
There aren't nearly enough of these moments. Photos like these tell me that we made the right decision and that Tug loves his new home.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Well, the holiday madness has officially begun.
Our running tally:Holiday parties attended = 1
Holiday parties to attend = 7
Gifts purchased = 0
Gift to purchase = LOTS
Needless to say, I see my christmas card mailing slipping away this year (again!).
We attended our first holiday party at the Dougherty's this past weekend. As always, we had a great time and laughed ALOT.
It's quite remarkable when you arrive at the point in your life where you have things in common with your parents' friends and can truly value them as individuals and hold your own (or try to) in a conversation with these terrifically bright people. Now, to many I am still and will always be "Peggy and Johnny's kid" - and that is exactly as it should be! But I just soak in their stories of college and trick drill and the coffee house...and the more sobering tales of being in the military during Vietnam. I also love to have the opportunity to see my parents in this context: the coffee house manager, the beautiful sorority girl, everyone's friend just having a good time. I think that it is so important to see our parents' many dimensions to fully appreciate who they are.
My parents are so blessed to have interesting, diverse, and terrifically funny friends - and we are blessed to have grown up with them and their children as part of our family.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
A Time to Give Thanks
What a wonderful season it is.
I love Thanksgiving - not for the excuse to overload on carbs, family and football (well, ok, those reasons too) - but because it provides the perfect opportunity to reflect on the many blessings that our lives are built upon. Blessings like each and every one of you reading this, blessings like all of the wonderful and supportive friends and family who *would* be reading this if I didn't forget to send them the link, colleagues who have no idea of what our personal lives are like but still play critical roles in our life, our wonderful pets (Ginger, Tugger, and Sid Fishous) who teach us patience, unconditional love, and remind us of the importance of daily walks and belly rubs.
We are also tremendously grateful for the most recent additions to our family (extended and otherwise) and pray that God continues to bless all of our families as they grow, namely: Adriana Grace, Devyn, Megan, Future Baby Chorba, Riley, Ray, Future Baby Lagos, and all of the current and future Dougherty babies!
This holiday was full of family and tradition - bizarre for my family as we typically spend Thanksgiving eating French and Moroccan food in Epcot - and it was magical. Dominick, as usual, made food fit for a NYC restaurant, we decorated and prepared, and we had so much fun doing it! Here are some quick photos celebrating that great day.
Aunt Margaret (my fairy Godmother) and Uncle Davo. Their attendance at our first Thanksgiving was especially touching as they journied from NYC and had to work Black Friday at Macy's Herald Square!
Dom's Turkey
Dom preparing to decimate the bird.
The Aftermath
Sunday, November 12, 2006
An Addition to Our Family
We love him to bits and hope you all get a chance to meet him soon!
So This is What Top Ten Looks Like...
Thursday evening was a magical night for Rutgers University - not just the football team - but the entire institution. We have long suffered the ill effects of having an unsuccessful football program, not the least of which were lack of attention and funding from a sports-minded state government, competition for students from Michigans and Penns that offered a comprehensive university experience, and a lack of pride that permeated the students, faculty, alumni and entire state.
I'm blessed to be able to attend all of the games through my job, but nobody was working on Thursday night...we were all just fans...crying, high fiving, and staring at the score board that told us that on Monday morning, we would awaken to a top ten listing. And as the Bowl representatives milled around, we continued our chanting so that they saw that the persistence of our players is shared by their fans.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Horsing Around
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Saying Goodbye is Easiest When Slurred
Anne-Marie and Coley's Farewell Bar Crawl!
The man and woman of the hour...
It isn't every day that you get to see Carmen Miranda being held up at silver-lamet gunpoint by Yosemite Samantha. This never got old...we rediscovered the humor with each Jack & Coke.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Lazy days...
Things have been same-old-same-old in the Hogan/Stanzione household. We're battoning down the hatches for the blustery weather that is coming in. Our good friends Coley and Anne-Marie are preparing for their move to Sarasota Springs, NY - so we've had a tiny houseguest with us while they try to pimp out their old digs.
Introducing Figaro "Figgie" Campbell, our first overnight guest and the best houseguest EVER. We will miss our friends terribly, but look forward to the excuse to make weekend trips up to NY state!
I'm sure that photos from their farewell bar crawl this weekend will warrant their own entry...so look for more in a few days!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Upstream Redteam!
1. Ohio State (63) 8-0 1,623
2. Michigan 8-0 1,533
3. USC 6-0 1,468
4. West Virginia (2) 7-0 1,458
5. Texas 7-1 1,355
6. Louisville 7-0 1,215
7. Auburn 7-1 1,182
8. Tennessee 6-1 1,178
9. Florida 6-1 1,146
10. Clemson 7-1 989
11. Notre Dame 6-1 988
12. California 7-1 964
13. Arkansas 6-1 843
14. LSU 6-2 799
15. Boise State 8-0 608
16. Rutgers 7-0 579
17. Wisconsin 7-1 560
18. Boston College 6-1 526
19. Oklahoma 5-2 497
20. Nebraska 6-2 373