Sunday, June 03, 2007

Can You Imagine Us Years From Today, Sharing a Park Bench Quietly

This weekend we celebrated with our dear friends Kristen and Greg as their daughter Devyn turned the big 0-2.
Some would call the photo above amateaur - terrible even - I call it "On the Brink of Year Two - A Watercolor". Seriously, I loved the tenderness of the moment and, even though I failed to capture it, I'd like to think it still comes through in some way. There is no more natural seat for a child than their mother's lap - and that is where Devyn spent most of the afternoon.
Poor Devyn was having a terrible reaction to her MMR vaccinations and was spiking a fever, but she was a great sport despite being tired and a little high on Motrin. Here is our little pumpkin exploring her loot:

Kristen and Greg are two of the best and most natural parents I've ever seen. The evidence is in their (sick) daughter's joyful face. There was a brief tantrum - just to allay any suspicions that she is truly an angel and not just angelic. Our visit was a brief one, just enough time to open presents in between naps and fevers, and then we were home to take care of our little one.

Kris and Greg also happen to be wonderful people and two of our closest friends. We've watched one another grow over the past 7 years and our activities has mirrored the vast changes in our lives. From Karaoke, Jersey Shore bars and cover bands to "game nights", the ocassional movie out, and Dora party hats. We were blessed to have them as witnesses in our wedding party and continue to learn from their examples and teamwork. And now we are all blessed to be able to view life through Devyn's eyes and ears and, while this requires considerable censorship for her mother and I when we really get going, it is a beautiful thing to behold.

On that note: we hope that all of your little ones are safe and sound and enjoying the beginnings of the summer season!

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