Sunday, June 10, 2007

Home, Where My Music's Playing; Home, Where My Love Lies Waiting Silently For Me

We just crossed 9 months in our home and, at times, it seems that we have nothing to show for it. After all, we still have a kitchen without a dishwasher, a basement that gives me the willies, a front door that requires superhuman strength to open on humid days, and a roof that needs replacing.

But in looking through our photos for another reason, I came upon some of the first photos we took of this vacant house with an overgrown lawn and I realize that we've come quite far. I remember moving in and crying because I never thought we would get rid of the creepy "closed up house" smell and that, instead of our things displacing that unpleasant odor, it would get soaked up and live forever in our couches and upholstery.
Well, the odor is gone (save for on rainy days when it seems to haunt us from the basement) and all of the rooms have received a cosmetic facelift using some good old elbow grease and a couple of gallons of Behr's finest.
The mosquito hotel that vaguely resembled a "pond" has also been eliminated, along with a variety of dead plant matter, and the crystal chandeliers have been polished to a shine (something I feel that the visitors were particularly grateful for).

But more important than the rouge and lipstick is the fact that this house...this once unappreciated and unkept blemish of real estate and now a home. It is filled - to the brim - with laughter, music, yelling, howling, squeeky toys and books. It already holds cherished memories of our marriage, our family, our friends....of tears over tragedy and celebrations of success.

Perhaps it would be more timely to post this on our 1 year anniversary of being in the house...but I find it more poignant to write when it is top of mind, not to wait for some pseudo-meaningful date. And now that I think about it, we are nearing the 1 year mark of when we discovered this fabulous house and made an offer. Regardless, here are some before and after photos.

We look forward to your next visit to 94 Rodney - you are all welcome!

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