Wednesday, June 06, 2007

You Ain't Seen the Best of Me Yet

Visual proof of Ginger's wonderful recovery from surgery and her fabulous leg warmer. She's secretly preparing for her role in the Broadway revival of Fame.

Really though - kudos to the doctors on giving her such a glammed out cast! Gorg, truly gorg.

Gingy is quickly mending and is even mastering stairs, running, and jumping up. While she is still very tired (she's always been a "napper"), her appetite has increased and she is once again accepting small treats and rawhide bones. She occasionally forgets about her bandaged foot when she gets an itch, which results in her clubbing herself on the head....but she's getting there!
Her back is also shaved from the excision of the second tumor - it is wild to see her ridge hair growing back in the opposite direction from all of the other hair. Meanwhile I can't write my name the same way twice; science is mind blowing.

Speaking of which: we should have the results from the University of Michigan by week's end, so keep your fingers crossed! But if her behavior is any indication we'll expect a good prognosis.

Tug has been a bit lost without his big sister, but it is still too early for them to play. He clearly knew that she was ill before she left (he spent 3 days trailing her backside intently), and with her gone he was a bit more clingy and melancholy than usual. I came home yesterday smelling of my visit with Ginger and Tug curled up on my shirt with a big smile and gave kisses where he smelled her. It was so sweet and, I think, a comfort to him...just before bed I took the shirt out of the laundry basket and put it in his bed where he slept soundly on it for hours.

It is good to have things returning to some sort of normalcy. Today I treated myself to a massage, and my mommy brought me for a mani and pedi. It was wonderful to relax and clear my mind after a hectic few months.

I find it so interesting that despite the proven health rewards, spa treatments are really the last commodity considered a "luxury". I, like most women, hardly ever treat myself to a massage - I only get them when I have gift certificates (this one was courtesy of Dominick for Valentine's Day). Don't get me wrong - I pamper myself PLENTY. I work hard and play hard: but my rewards usually come in a size 10 with a 3" heel (because I'm not tall enough at 5'9"?). And any woman who has braved a full days of meetings in NYC in a fabulous pair of pumps will agree: massages seem a natural partner for this particular indulgence. But I digress....

I've not gotten ANYTHING done that I wanted to this week - and I'm learning that it is okay. I've gotten my car inspected, cleaned our house a bit, got new keys cut, etc. But I'm quickly learning that sometimes - just sometimes - playing fetch with the dog in the yard is more satisfying than mounting those prints we've had leaning against the wall for 9 months, a long walk can provide more peace of mind than reorganizing the linen closet, and leaving the house can be more theraputic than cleaning it. That isn't to say it won't get done...just not today...and tomorrow's not looking good either....

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